We have candidates available to apply for your job openings
Take advantage of free support for hiring staff. Send us your job openings here.
A simple, efficient and cost-effective service for businesses.
Directory of organizations

Specialized employment services for adult men and women with criminal records.

*Service in French only
Resource dedicated to people with little education and no degree. The program focuses on the recognition of skills that are useful in the workplace and sought after by employers.

Take advantage of our expertise in cultural diversity management:
- Our career coaches help immigrants identify their skills, showcase them to employers and successfully integrate into the workplace;
- Awareness workshops aimed at knowledge and understanding of cultural differences are offered in the workplace for a harmonious work environment.

At Midi-Quarante, we have excellent, competent and experienced candidates from a variety of industries and all job categories. They are executives, professionals, technicians, and laborers. They have experience and quickly bring their skills to the company.

Specialized employability organization recognized since 1989 for its support to people who are victims of mass layoffs and for the placement of qualified individuals in Laval businesses.

For a reliable staff – on time, present, productive – hire our 6-month trained day laborers who are ready to make a long-term commitment to your business. Contact us for more information!

At Dimension Travail, the “Women’s Placement” service offers you:
- Pre-selected, available, organized, competent candidates;
- Professional and experienced support in the process of integration into your team.
Contact Us

We are an employment assistance service for people living with mental health problems who wish to enter or re-enter the labour market.
500, boulevard Saint-Martin Ouest, bureau 370 Laval (Québec) H7M 3Y2
Tél. : 450 967-9611
Téléc. : 450 967-2391

Young people with experience, initiated to manual work on an organic farm, hardworking, punctual, ready to work for you. Support and accompaniment in business. Contact us for more information.

3,000 youth per year are ready for a job with you! We look forward to hearing from you and meeting you at our mini job fairs.

Vous recherchez une main-d’œuvre qualifiée et expérimentée en milieu industriel ? L’Atelier forme vos futurs employés ! Apprentissage de travail en milieu industriel : maniement d’équipement, rendement et productivité, travail d’équipe…

Hire people with physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities, they are reliable and stable.