No, we are not-for-profit organizations, providing free services.
Yes, our services are exclusive to unemployed people living in the Laval region.
No, we are not-for-profit organizations, providing free services.
Yes, in fact we will accompany you while showing you the latest job search techniques in order to maximize your chances of getting a job.
We will accompany you while showing you the latest job search techniques to maximize your chances of getting a job.
Unfortunately no, our services are only available to unemployed clients residing in Laval.
Services are available in both official languages, English and French.
Of course! We have referral services available at Carrefour jeunesse-emploi for youth 35 and under, and at Groupe Priorité Travail for general clientele.
Our services are exclusive to unemployed persons living in the Laval region, with permanent resident status, Canadian citizens.
No, we are not-for-profit organizations, providing free services.
No, however, we would like to inform you that our clientele consists of residents of Laval only.
We will forward your job offers to our thirteen organizations in the region. They will be responsible for forwarding it to their teams of job seekers.
No, we are not-for-profit organizations, providing free services.
We will forward your job offers to our thirteen organizations in the region. They will be responsible for forwarding it to their teams of job seekers. Hopefully through our exchanges we will find the candidate for you!
Just send an email to and we’ll be happy to get in touch with you!